Tuesday, December 29, 2009

30 / 12 / 2009 (first post)

I decided, that instead of typing up a blog on 'Bebo', I'd use Blogspot.
I guess nothing is really going to happen on here till next year unfortunately 'cause i'm really excited to get started. I could go over my whole entire year but it would mean nothing at all. I can't start from the begining, I do have to sleep at some point in time, I think.

Just a quick recap of 2009,
I thought starting a new school in year 11 would be just as painful as year 9. So I already started with a negative thought process, I never really accepted the school. Until now, just now. I think back about this year and go, I've changed and it's not been for the bad. I've had my ups and downs but surely everyone does. I noticed I made less enimies at the new school than I did at my old school. All though there are some girls who don't like me, that's going to happen anywhere. I seem to be happier. I know now that I have a friend I can call at anytime crying and she'll come over with junk food and help me out. It's absolutely great.

My classes though weren't all that great, expescially in Maths, boy did i stuff up in Maths this year. Algebra is my worst nightmare, I hope I did well in my L1 exams. I think I did. My English I'm almost positive got better, which is brilliant in my book. I did terribly on my Chemistry though, gladly I'm taking Biology next year, that I'm sure I did well in. Music was okay, French, well that's easy to begin with.

Movies of the year:

Madagascar 2 (Tuesday 6th January 2009)
Just as funny as the one before. But I'm not hoping for a third.

Slumdog Millionaire (Friday The 27th February 2009)
I fell in love with this film, really, I begged my parents to get it for me for Christmas.

Star Trek (Friday 8th May 2009)
Where was the story line in this movie? It didn't bother me, my parents paid for it.

Night At The Museum Two (Sunday 31st May 2009)
Better story line than before, but a bit full at parts.

Angels and Demons (Friday 5th June 2009)
I haven't even read the book or seen The Davinci Code, I still loved it to pieces.

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (Friday 17th July 2009)
It was rushed, it was crap. What The Hell..! The Ending Sucked.

Up (Thursday 17th September 2009)
Brilliant movie, it was funny and enjoyable all the way through to the end.

New Moon (Tuesday 24th November 2009)
Obviously the money helped. Not a big Twilight fan, but this was a good movie.

My Sisters Keeper (Thursday 3rd December 2009)
I cried. Brilliant story. Heart wrenching ending.

Avatar (Wednesday 23rd December 2009)
One of the highlights of my year, it's a must see in 3D. Impressive movie, held my short attention span over three hours. well worth the money.

Also. Inkheart,
A mediocre movie to an indredible book.

I have a tendency to go over my movies at the end of the year. Some of them were wastes of money, others were brilliant. either way time comsuming. I'm hoping for more movies next year, not more sequels or anything. Brand new, I do not want another Saw movie. I want new. The Hobbit will be good, Paranormal activity looks average. Either way I'm spending money on movies in 2010.

Also September 29th 2009
Dear Agony album was released in the states.
Excitement is already building up for the fifth and final Breaking Benjamin album.

What's in store..?
Year 12.
17th Birthday.

I don't care all I know is that I'm not prepared for what's around the bend, but I'm excited anyway.
